Medusa aided the team against threats including Gregory Gideon, the Miracle Man, and Annihilus. Black Bolt asked Medusa to join the team in Sue's place (as her sister Crystal had done before her), both out of gratitude for the team's help and to keep an Inhuman in the public eye in a positive light. The Fantastic Four, minus Sue Richards, who left the team due to marital difficulties, aid the Inhumans against the robotic Omega and the rebelling Alpha Primitives. Properly braced, Medusa can lift over 1.6 tons using her hair. She has even meshed her hair into a parachute to allow her to survive long falls. She uses her hair like extra limbs and natural tools for a wide variety of tasks, including brutal bludgeoning, fine lock picking, and snapping her tendrils like a fierce whip. It is believed that her hair cannot be cut or broken without her allowing it. She maintains this control even when the hair has been cut from her head. Uncontrolled, her tougher-than-steel hair is naturally more than six feet long. Medusa possesses prehensile hair, and she can not only control the growth and movement of it, but can maneuver each strand individually. Upon their return, the royal family restored the status quo. In Medusa's absence, Maximus conquered Attilan and sent the royal family into exile, replacing Medusa's betrothal to Black Bolt with a betrothal to him. After the Frightful Four's very public battles with the heroic Fantastic Four, the Inhuman royal family located Medusa, who regained her memories and returned with them to Attilan. An encounter with the X-Men ended the Wizard's influence over her and restored her memory. The villainous Wizard found her there and convinced her to become the fourth member of his Frightful Four criminal gang, later using his mind-manipulating "id machine" technology to keep her with the team. Avoiding Europe's big cities, Medusa became a recluse on a Mediterranean island. But when she rebuffed his romantic advances, he framed her for the crimes they committed together. In Paris, she teamed up with thief Paul Dumas, learning about human society as a criminal. During the fight, her sky-sled crashed outside the Inhuman's hidden city, Attilan, and she became an amnesiac wanderer.
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When the Alpha Primitive worker race - the drones who performed manual labor so that the Inhumans wouldn't have to - revolted, Medusa battled their warriors, the Trikon. After his release and the tragic death of Black Bolt's parents, Medusa grew even closer to him. She learned to interpret Black Bolt's body language and fell in love with him.

Medusa began to correspond electronically with Black Bolt in his isolation and the two bonded, developing a personal sign language for communication that only they understood. Though she was betrothed to Black Bolt at a young age, she flirted briefly with his younger brother, Maximus - a flirtation made easier by the fact that Black Bolt was kept in quarantined isolation for many years. However, Medusa rebelled against her strict upbringing. Medusa was born into the royal family of the Inhumans, and so raised as an elite, meant to be queen. And, as Black Bolt does not speak for fear of the destructive power his voice wields, one of Medusa's main roles as queen-consort is to interpret his wishes and communicate them to their subjects. With her mane of deadly red locks, Medusa commands respect. She stands against anyone who opposes her people, from humanity to the Kree, to other members of the royal family, like Maximus, the brother of her husband and Inhuman king Black Bolt. As the queen of the Inhuman royal family, Medusa spends much of her time fighting for the right of the genetically-altered Inhuman race to exist.